Air-source Heat Pump Minimum Operating Temperature
The air source heat pump can heat and cool the house. It is extremely
cost-effective, energy efficient, and generates far less carbon emissions than
traditional forms of heating. However, the cost of purchasing and installing
heat pumps is not low. Fortunately, the government has a lot of subsidy
policies, and you will definitely save a lot of electricity bills. Friends who
live in cold areas are very concerned about whether the heat pump is suitable
for you. Leomon Technology introduces you to air-source heat pump minimum
operating temperature.
The best weather for heat pump:
The outside of the heat pump absorbs external heat from the air to heat
the house and heat hot water. Heat pumps are most effective at temperatures
between 25 and 30 degrees Fahrenheit. At this time, the working efficiency of
the heat pump is very high. The COP is also very high.
Thanks to the new refrigerant R-410A, even at an extremely low
temperature of -20°C, the refrigerant (environmentally friendly R-410A) can
absorb heat from the air, which is why the heat pump can be used in cold
climates The reason for the next job.
Why air source heat pumps reduce efficiency in cold weather?
The amount of heat that an air source heat pump can deliver to your
house depends largely on the outdoor temperature. As it begins to decline, the
total heat output of the air source heat pump also declines.
When the outdoor temperature is 8.3°C, your heat pump can reach 3.8 CoP.
However, if the temperature drops to around -8.3°C, the efficiency of the heat
pump may drop to around 2.3 CoP. If the outdoor temperature drops too low for
the heat pump to generate heat, you may need to back up.
If you do live in a very cold climate, you may benefit from a ground
source heat pump. This is because the ground temperature tends to be higher
than the air temperature. Therefore, ground source heat pumps may require less
electricity to operate and generate a lot of heat. Therefore, if you live in an
extremely cold climate, an air source heat pump may not be the most effective
way to heat your house.
At what temperature does the heat pump stop working?
The performance efficiency of different heat pumps manufactured by
different manufacturers may vary. Although the efficiency of the heat pump
decreases as the air temperature drops below zero, it is worth noting that the heat pump will not completely stop working at these temperatures, but can
continue to work to around -20°C. Instead, it may not bring your house to the
ideal temperature, and the building may be colder than you think. However, it
can still heat your house, so you will no longer be trapped in a freezing cold
room. For example, on a very cold day, the heat pump may only heat your house
to 18°C instead of 21°C. However, in extremely cold weather, auxiliary
electric heaters or combined boilers can make up for this deficiency.
How to make the best heating plan?
In the south, it rarely goes below 25 degrees. Therefore, air source
heat pumps are very common in households. But the situation in the north is a
little different.
If you are worried that a heat pump will not be able to handle extremely low temperatures, you can install another heat source (such as a boiler). The heat pump can be used to cool the house throughout the summer, and the heat pump can be used to heat the house throughout the fall and winter. However, in those days when your house cannot reach the ideal temperature, the boiler can help you do this work.